Saturday, May 19, 2012

And The Journey Begins...

 I was encouraged to start this here blog and at first was unsure about doing it. But it is about remembering the past. The times gone by that will never come again. All the things that made us who we are today should never be forgotten.. so pull up a chair and let me try painting a picture of yesterday. Feel free to reminisce with me and maybe share some of your stories as well. Makes me think about all the times I wish I had been able to record the tales my grandparents told me and many others. I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that way. Lets never forget the past and remember how it was way back when... This video says it all y'all. 

 I  ran across an interview from 1996 that I want to add to this inaugural post that made me think back to a simpler time ....

...and made me wish I could almost see a dad and son walking down an old dirt road carrying cane poles with bobbers flowing in the wind....

                                                                               So kick back and remember how it used be...

P.S. Thank you for making me actually try this wittle fry ;)


  1. Makes me think of all the times with my grandma watching old movies and shows and her telling me first times she saw them. An just many other things. Great start and look forward to more :)

  2. Those memories are priceless I know wittle fry :) And thank you :) I promise more to come...
