Thursday, July 12, 2012

Now He's Off On The Greatest Adventure...

Howdy Y'all once again we doing a farewell tribute to one of the great characters of film..Mr.

Ernest Borgnine 

RED may have been one his last great performances on screen. He was pretty charged for a 93 year old don't you think? But he is known for many great shows and roles from bad guys to a shy, stocky, lonely butcher...

His gaped tooth grin and laugh is unforgettable. He co starred in another of my favorite 80's shows I hope we all remember...

Airwolf was a great action packed series to be sure!

Now we go back to the 60's and I hope y'all remember this one...

Borgnine's Oscar-winning role as "Marty," a lonely, gentle Bronx butcher looking for love, came in 1955, very early in his big-screen career, demonstrating a wide acting range and an ability to make the audience identify with him as an overweight, ordinary-looking everyman.

The list of his films, characters played, and achievements is a very long list. He was a heck of guy and we will miss him. 

He had a pretty good run and 95 years on this earth and he made quite a dent. So Mr. Borgnine we salute your memory Sir and enjoy flying that big ole copter in the sky.

That's it for tonight Y'all. Drop in and pay us a visit again...

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