Monday, July 16, 2012

Take A Hike....With Me

Howdy Y'all I decided to try take you on a little hike with me. I know I have often talked of my hometown small rural and I love it. So I decided to share a historic area from here with you. Good old Elk Garden Va.

I could blog for a month and barely scratch the surface that's true enough. But for now let's go on that nature hike y'all...and I can't begin to tell you how many adventures hunting around here in the fall or the freezing cold of winter..I love it and the memories are priceless!

I don't know if any of you have heard about the Appalachian Trail or the countless stories told about it's history but let's check this here site out together... It's got some great pictures to give you an idea for startin' our trip..and I gotta laugh and paste one "tip' from that site here...
While hiking like idiots in the wrong direction on a trail in a rainstorm, try to not have your cell phone in your backpack—yeah, adding insult to injury was the drowning death of my phone. May it rest in peace!

Good advice for sure but I doubt you'd get much reception there anyways.

There are many trails up on that ole trail so it is easy to get turned around lost or miss out on some awesome scenery. You can almost feel how the pioneers and early settlers must have felt here and I think if you listen to the wind and the trees closely they will tell you some of the stories...

Hopefully that gives you some of the ideas and a thrill..It does me but folks to see it in person??

It steals your breath away! And you can't help but grin and want to push farther on determined to see the end of the's a beautiful place and your connected to nature to those that went before you and those hearty pioneers that first blazed the trails through the wilderness to call it home! True visionaries and I salute those pioneers Y'all!

Now you may be wondering if all the stories and tales of how bad it gets in the mountains in wintertime, how the climate can turn on a dime here...or maybe just miss that kind of weather..and the mountains. You can't get that in any ole city! 

Now a few YouTube videos showcasing my weather...enjoy!

Quite a sight ain't it? Take care Y'all drop back in and see us again...

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