Sunday, June 3, 2012

King Maker Rather Than A King

I had a memory of something made me laugh. An elementary school thing; I had entrepreneureal ideas back then too. I added a video from YouTube that gives a walk through on how to do it. But imagine if you will a 3rd grader from the mountains where even in the 80's time passed by like a colorized version of early Andy Griffith Show's Mayberry then learning that his best friend did this?

I capitalized on it and made a profit. Remember between classes making a bee line for the old water fountain wishing you had a cup to get more without stooping over as water dribbled all over you then got teased?

Yes and it works for several uses until it seeps through. Well that "smarty kid" showed me and I was fascinated. But he was all smug and was like see i know lots..and a not rich kid but acted like one. I go hmm why not sell them?
Then suggested we double wrap and sell and for more money. If we triple wrap see it'd last almost all day with refills evertime you pass water fountain between classes.
Of course we wasted profits on extra ice cream cups but it was good times Y'all

For the record the singles started it but complaints of seepage inspired my double and triple wrap upgrades. But we only sold the upgraded ones to the ones that could easily afford it and yes I gave lots away to kids that never could have afforded one. I  had a special notebook for them....the blue one. It wasn't an original product idea of mine so I helped my friend elevate his popularity his allowance..and mine to be honest. But I had fun...

The moral of this small reminisce can be summed up by it's title. See Y'all next time...

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