M*A*S*H aired weekly in its original CBS run, with most episodes being a half-hour in length. The series is usually categorized as a situation comedy, though it is sometimes also described as a "dark comedy" or a "dramedy" because of the dramatic subject material often presented. The show was an ensemble piece revolving around key personnel in a United States Army Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH; the asterisks in the name are not part of military nomenclature and were creatively introduced in the novel) in the Korean War (1950–1953). The "4077th MASH" was just one of several surgical units in Korea. As the show developed, the writing took on more of a moralistic tone. Richard Hooker, who wrote the book on which the television and film versions were based, noted that Hawkeye's character was far more liberal in the show than on the page (in one of the MASH books, Hawkeye makes reference to "kicking the bejesus out of lefties just to stay in shape"). While the show is traditionally viewed as a comedy, there were many episodes of a more serious tone. Airing on network primetime while the Vietnam War was still ongoing, the show was forced to walk the fine line of commenting on that war while at the same time not seeming to protest it. For this reason, the show's discourse, under the cover of comedy, often questioned, mocked and grappled with America's role in the Cold War. Episodes were both plot and character driven, with several episodes being narrated by one of the show's characters as the contents of a letter home. The show's tone could move from silly to sobering from one episode to the next, with dramatic tension often occurring between the civilian draftees of 4077th—Hawkeye, Trapper John, B.J. Hunnicutt, for example—who are forced to leave their homes to tend to the wounded and dying of the war, and the "regular Army" characters, like Margaret Houlihan and Colonel Potter, who tend to represent ideas of patriotism and duty. Other characters like Col. Blake, Maj. Winchester, and Corp. Klinger, help demonstrate various American civilian attitudes towards army life, while guest characters such as Eldon Quick, Herb Voland, Mary Wickes, and Tim O'Connor also help further the show's discussion of America's place as Cold War war-maker and peace-maker.
The series premiered in the US on September 17, 1972, and ended February 28, 1983, with the finale becoming the most watched television episode in U.S. television history at the time, with a record breaking 125 million viewers, according to the New York Times. In contrast to the high turnout for the final episode of M*A*S*H, it struggled in its first season and was at risk of being cancelled. However, season two of M*A*S*H placed it in a better time slot (airing after the popular All in the Family) and the show became one of the top ten programs of the year and stayed in the top twenty programs for the rest of its eleven-season run. The show is still broadcast in syndication on various television stations. The series, which covered a three-year military conflict, spanned 251 episodes and lasted eleven seasons.
Many of the stories in the early seasons are based on real-life tales told by real MASH surgeons who were interviewed by the production team. Like the movie, the series was as much an allegory about the Vietnam War (still in progress when the show began) as it was about the Korean War.
I didn't just decide to do a biopic on an awesome series...
I wanted to remember it and the cast was amazing I must admit, but it is a prelude to a memory I chose to share tonight. During a bout of personal turmoil I found solace in watching the reruns and I was searching for the right thing. The mission I needed to get my mind off of my situation and a way to start a new chapter in my life. So I decided to enlist in the Peace Corps and make my way to Thailand...
The first time that is, but I feel asleep after days of deliberation and planning. I awaited my green light for deployment...I can't explain the series off events that followed but will admit to this day I am dumbfounded by them. I waited (not very patiently) and oddly the official papers did not arrive. I was not happy and fell asleep angry, determined to call again and again till I got an answer.
My original departure date was looming and still no confirmation...I had a few beers and mixed drinks...fell asleep angry again. Totally dark inside and television off....
SUDDENLY! My T.V. was on! Blaring the news and I rubbed my eyes and bewildered as my eyes began to focus and OMG!!!
This Is What I Saw!!!
The footage I saw was...
Horrible! So this clip will suffice to end this tonight. If I did not already believe in MIRACLES..That Would have made a new Believer out of me Y'all! And my applications and official papers? I have no idea! They "went missing" I was not happy but that cold chill I felt? Yep I felt I was spared and got lucky...years later I almost signed on again..Then met the love of my life...
You just never know until something comes from out of nowhere and alters your perceptions of life. I learned a lesson about life once again. It is a precious gift Y'all. Never say Never..anything can happen.
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