Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy Birthday In Heaven Little Brother!

I am posting late and it is not about inspiring or adventuring. I am writing about my little brother Seth. He would have had a birthday on the 9th but sadly we lost him last year. The night before Easter. We had lost contact but he was living in another area but he had his hands full. His pride and joy is my nephew named after him. I was setting up a new business and was going to look him up and offer to bring him aboard as a partner. Now I still lament with all the coulda, woulda, shoulda...

He was an excellent carpenter and a great father. I could go on forever with stories as kids about him and me and often times our cousins. Time with grandparents, friends, and hours upon hours of hunting and exploring on the mountain I talk about so fondly. It weighs heavily upon my heart and the regret I have is as I'm told natural...what's natural about outliving a younger sibling though? I know he is in a better place and I do love the honery lil cuss.

Happy Birthday Little Brother! You will be missed always...

This concludes tonight's blog because I do not do the greif part or tribute to family justice it deserves. Take care Y'all and tell your family you love them. Give them a call just to say howdy and as how they are... It won't hurt anything and you will miss them when they are gone I promise you...

I had to add some videos that remind me of the things we loved ending with one last song that.. well watch and see...


This is a tiny bit but I had to..
And now for one that I heard that came out and I tried..not hard enough..

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