Tuesday, June 19, 2012

History Surrounds Us! The Markers Remind Us!

Tonight I aim to bring attention to those old plaques we see. Perhaps on the side of the highway, rest stops, a host of places maybe even in your own little town as you meander the streets, sidewalks, or local haunts.

Yep I am talking about those Historic Markers Y'all. I think they don't get the attention they deserve. Ever stopped to check one out? Lots have a bit of the back story and they make for some fascinating reading I tell you that now. And I do tend to ramble about my corner of the country...

Good ole Southwest Virginia (some mistake that as alluding to West Virginia..wrong state; no Wrong Turns for me though the movie was well disturbing too maybe because I wasn't drinking ) So I am going to give a link here from Virginia's Historic Markers... Southwestern part of Virginia I know like the back of my hand...remember the overlook or the battle marker from a previous blog if your a regular?

Here's as good a starting point as any. Have a look see and remember your areas own unique history as well Y'all... now to mine   http://www.markerhistorystore.com/volume_ix-southwest_virginia_region.aspx

It will detail events and reasons for the markers that are fascinating to a history buff like myself. Hopefully it helps inspire you to dig into yours...what you may find could excite you beyond belief.

Now I leave you with a thought. Those old markers are to mark a place in time that has long since gone so is it a gravestone or just a remembrance?

Here's another of mine that yes it's on the first site but without further ado and less searching let's see it shall we?    http://www.markerhistory.com/elk-garden-fort-marker-x-9/

Come back and see us again Y'all I think I have some more surprises for you. Oh and once again I encourage you drop us a comment and share some of your own historic past that you don't want forgotten....

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