Monday, June 11, 2012

Inspired Dreamer

Tonight we delve into more inspirations that are of a personal nature. I will attempt to give thanks to the people around me as i was growing up and a few that are responsible for my continued inspirations and reasons why I dream of more. It isn't going to be a detailed piece by any means but I think Y'all can agree and relate to. First I will mention all the time I spent with my grandparents and their friends. I learned so much and the times I had with them were priceless. A lot of little things or ideas I picked up along the way. And the lessons I learned and being introduced to some of my favorite things. Farming yes it really is good times and sadly to so many it is a lost art. And hearing stories of their past and they will talk and reminisce a whole lot in those "twilight" years.The stories of the wars were not into much detail because many years later the pain and lost still hurt and are not exactly the past they like bringing up. But for me the stories of how they made it. The fun they had back then that didn't involve computers or cell phones, cameras and high end electronics. Tales of working in the coal mines at a very tender young age, first vehicle and future life plans. Knowledge passed on to them that they are all too happy to down to you.

It is an amazement and makes you dream. It is mind boggling how with nearly nothing, a few old parts and scraps they used to forge an empire! They did it without help, without electronics or banks. They never gave up and held on to their dreams. Some of the hardest times in history are the time they grew up. The sheer determination and bull dog tenacity they had kept them alive and pushing on. Hard work and strong backs that is what forged this country. We have to respect that and wonder if we would have been strong enough to live in that time if we were suddenly thrust back in time...

That is a pretty awesome inspiration for me Y'all. Drop back in for some more and drop us a line. Feel free to showcase your own inspirations if you want.

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